Proyecto PID2020-112506GB-C41, financiado por MCIN/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033

Iberian local societies in the Early medieval European context: Settings, Practices and Territorialities (5th-12th centuries)

The project Archaeology of local societies in Southern Europe: identities, collectives and territorialities (5th-11th centuries) aims to study the formation, reproduction and transformation of political communities in Southern Europe during the Early Middle Ages through the analysis of the various overlapping territorialities that coexist and define local societies. The emphasis is placed on three axes: the articulation of socio-political micro-territories in hierarchical and heterarchical terms; the forms of construction of political communities through the creation of shared memories and identities; the study of the forms of exchange of the early medieval economy. You can read more about the project here.

SOCLOC is a LOCSOC project


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